Our 2021 Virtual Talent Contest is complete and here are the winners in each category. Congrats to all, and thanks to everyone who submitted material. It wasn't easy to vote among the entrants, they were all very good!
The winners received their awards at a presentation at the Cumming Playhouse. See their winning entries below. Front row: Linda Moskovics, Timothy Higgins, Marge Higgins, Gouranga Golakoti, Amalfi Cato Second row: Raymond Bronco Third row: Jerry Bryson, Ken Bryson, Jaquelyn Smithwick, Tami Putman (AgeWell), Daphne Rice (AgeWell) Fourth row: Cindy Bowman, Joan Welty, Linda Ledbetter. Beverly Weaver (all AgeWell)
Art 1st Place - Jerry Bryson with "Morning Snack"
Art 2nd Place - Jacquelyn Smithwick with "Jeep with Northern Lights"
Art 3rd Place - Christine Canova with "Lion Head"
Woodworking 1st Place - Gouranga Golakoti
Woodworking 2nd Place - Raymond Bronco
Writing - 1st Place - Carol Busche with poem "The Day is Crying With Me"
The Day Is Crying with Me
I sit here silent, sad, and alone on an old weathered green bench, Quietly grieving.
Listening to the rain cry.
Watching its tears overflow. Washing life into the dead grass Beneath my feet.
To my right a majestic maple Ablaze in scarlet reds and russet browns.
Ignoring the pounding storm. She sways to the music of the wet winds. As she proudly sheds, one by one, her coat of many colors.
She smiles at me, bends low. In gratitude for this refreshing drink I silently nod back.
A few yards beyond her majestic twin Stands without a smile, Stark, shivering, battered.
Hanging her head.
Curiously I ask, Why has your life taken leave so soon? Why do you shiver and shake?
What has stripped you so completely? There is no reply. Only silence.
After moments, silence speaks. Reminds me that like the tree, I too, have known nakedness, vulnerability.
My life has been emptied. I have shivered and been shaken. I ask silence a question.
Why must this be? How does it happen? There is no reply.
No answer would suffice.
But in my heart, I know Why I came here. For a moment of nothingness.
To surrender heaviness, Sadness hidden from most, Buried deep in my soul.
To receive a sip, Life giving water.
I sit here In silence with you I have no words. Only emptiness.
At last beyond the tension Of the thunder, The pounding rain, I see you.
Feel your presence. Offering me. A container for my emptiness.
In the stillness of the rain. I am reminded Of the promise.
I will never leave you.
I call upon that promise. Waiting On an old bench.
Not for a miracle. But for a moment or two To be myself again.
Whatever that means.
Writing 2nd Place - Linda Moskovics with "The Fiber-Rich Kitchen Cookbook"
Copy this link to view the cookbook and the extensive educational information about nutrition and health https://www.google.com/books/edition/The_Fiber_Rich_Kitchen_ Cookbook/YeRfDgAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=0
Writing 3rd Place - Timothy Higgins with limerick "A Man from Kilkenny"
A Man from Kilkenny There was an old man from Kilkenny He stopped to pick up a penny He exercised well And felt really swell Now he can get plenty!
Music 1st Place - Bob Lusher with "Sixty"
Watch Bob Lusher's music video by clicking on the video's Start button below:
Music 2nd Place - Nick Vernola with "Desifinado"
Watch Nick Vernola's music video below by clicking on the Youtube Start button below:
Comedy 1st Place - Malfi Cato with "Side by Side"
Watch Malfi Cato's video by clicking on the image or Play arrow below: