Members of the Martha Stewart Bulloch Society of the Children of the American Revolution were proud to present a grant check to AgeWell Forsyth for work in combatting senior food insecurity in Forsyth County. The grant is the result of the 2023-2024 C.A.R. National Project that recognized non-profit organizations nominated by members who volunteered with those organizations. MSB members spent time last summer and fall working in the Senior Services Food Pantry and preparing bags of food for Meals on Wheels recipients.
With the funds received from the grant, AgeWell and the Senior Services Food Pantry will be able to provide over 6,000 pounds of food to Forsyth County Seniors! We and they appreciate it! Pictured are MSB Society President, Piper W. and Georgia State President Lily W. See the official grant letter received from the Society below.
On October 25, 2023, AgeWell Forsyth, in partnership with Forsyth County Senior Services and Georgia Council on Aging, hosted a "Breakfast with State Legislators", where several local representatives to our state government were presented, and audience questions answered. The event drew over 75 attendees, who were invited to submit questions to the legislators in attendance. These included Carter Barrett, Todd Jones, Lauren McDonald, Greg Dolezal, Brent Cox, and Shawn Still. After a welcome from Ruthie Brew, Director of Senior Services, Vicki Johnson of CO-AGE introduced the legislators, who made brief introductory remarks, and she then moderated questions and answers. Linda Ledbetter, our Executive Director, closed the event with a description of Age Well, our goals and some accomplishments.
Recently, the members of the Martha Stewart Bulloch Society (Children of the American Revolution) met at Charles Place to pack bags for Forsyth County's Meals on Wheels clients. The bags were filled with items Age Well provided and they assure us their clients are going to love them!
These photos show the kids hard at work. They packed over 200 bags! Thanks to the great teamwork of the Society and Age Well, these homebound recipients will enjoy a little extra in their food delivery. (Thanks to Susan Wright, Senior Services Team Leader, for the pics) For those of you asking about Haunted History tours this fall, the Historical Society is doing something a bit different, but should be entertaining in its own right! On October 28th they will be having Historic Bus Tours of Cumming with narration at each destination and in between stops. The cost is only $15, and there are five tour times, starting at 1:30pm. See our Upcoming Events page for more info and how to register.
Yes! It's the return of the Senior Talent Show! Presented by Senior Services, Age Well Forsyth, and the Georgia Recreation and Parks Association, the show will be at Sexton Hall on Saturday, September 16 at 10am. Performance entry is open to all persons age 50 or better. To enter in one of four categories (Music, Dance, Comedy and Drama), complete and submit the registration PDF form below before the deadline of August 18. Acts can be individual ($15 fee) or groups ($25 or $35 fee depending on group size), and performance time is limited to no more than three minutes. To purchase the $3 ticket to attend (and pre-order an optional lunch for an additional $8), the Entrance form must be completed by August 18 as well if pre-ordering lunch. For complete participation details, download the Flyer, Performer Registration and/or Attendance/Lunch forms (PDF format) below. Completed forms can be emailed to: [email protected] ![]()
The Forsyth County Health Department is holding a Resource Health Fair on Friday, June 2, 2023 from 1:30pm to 3:30pm at their offices at 428 Canton Road. An Amerigroup Community Care representative will be present to answer questions about member benefits and services. Join for free giveaways, health information, resources and more. See details in the brochure PDF below. ![]()
Whether caring for someone with dementia or anticipating this role for the future, this seminar presented by Forsyth County Senior Services can help you get familiar with the resources available to you. The seminar will be held at Sexton Hall on Thursday, June 1, from 12:30 to 3pm, with lunch provided. Registration is required, and is open until May 25. Register online at or call 770-781-2178. Download PDF below for more details. ![]()
There are a couple of very low-cost services available to County seniors and others for local transportation. One is Access Forsyth (formerly Dial-a-Ride), which charges only $2 each way (in-county locations only). Another is Ride-Share, a service managed by the non-profit Common Courtesy, which uses Uber or Lyft drivers. For this, you must have a smartphone and credit card; rides are $2 each way, plus a $15 one-time registration fee. See more details for both these services in the PDF below, or visit: ![]()
AgeWell Forsyth Board member Barbara Piccolo went to our Capitol on March 13 to support SB84, a bill to protect the elder and disabled adults who may be victims of financial exploitation. This Bill passed unanimously in the Senate with no opposition. Barbara explains, "As we watched the voting in the House, it also passed unanimously". Thanks to Vicki Johnson, who pulled strings in both the Senate and House to meet with our State Senators and Representatives." A special shout out and thanks to Debra Stokes, the Executive Director for GCOA (Georgia Council on Aging) and her staff, Nikaela Frederick (Deputy Director GCOA )and Patrice Parker.
Mark your calendars for Thursday, April 20, 2023 for the 19th Annual Aging Well Expo put on by Forsyth County Senior Services. It's from 10 am - 1 pm at the Forsyth Conference Center (Lanier Tech) and is free to attend. Visit 70+ booths of resources for active / senior adults, including free health screenings. We'll see you there! (Download PDF flyer below) ![]()
AuthorLinda Ledbetter Archives
July 2024
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